Italian at heart, international by nature
In Italy, design companies bear the name of the families who founded them according to a logic that embraces tradition but brings with it a continuous reworking of the little secrets that make each object unique and recognizable.
Tagged as: About Tacchini

The Tacchini family: Giusi, Maurizio, and the founder Antonio.
This vocation continues from generation to generation: the strength of an idea, from the design to the choice of a style, from its realization to the point where it becomes the very essence of living, is a constant progression between the link with the past and that with the contemporary, a meeting point between Made in Italy and the different nationalities of design.

At Tacchini, hands were the first tool they learnt to harness, and they continue to use them to discern the quality and value of the materials, before transforming them, sewing them and combining them together: following ancient, knowing rhythms, retracing and honing history and memory.
Making things by hand means establishing a relationship of sensitivity and respect between the object and its creator. The excellence of Tacchini’s craftsmanship is rooted in Brianza, a land between Como and Milan where men and ideas come together in the design culture. Here, it is the hands that recognize the value of the materials – all of local origin –, that transform them and combine them following the rhythm of a gesture, always repeated with more wisdom and awareness in a daily routine that is made up of care and attention. It is a quality that takes shape from experience and is expressed through a savoir-faire handed down from father to son and perfected by contemporary innovations.
For Tacchini, design is not expressed in a single language, but in all the world’s languages. It is a constant search for forms and materials, a path guided by curiosity in which different cultures merge, mixing to create harmonious and unexpected spaces. From Mexico to Brazil, from the Nordic to the Mediterranean countries, great masters of the past and brilliant contemporary artists contribute to creating different products, capable of communicating with each other in such a unique language as to naturally determine a style, that of Tacchini. This international approach prevents the design from getting confused with passing fads in a continuous work in progress of solutions that manage to arouse emotions daily and last over time.