
Intellectual and industrial property rights

All the contents of the website are protected by the current rules on copyright and intellectual and industrial property. Any extraction or re-use, the total or partial reproduction, distribution, publication or transmission of the material on the website is prohibited if not expressly and previously authorized in writing by TACCHINI. Any other activity which may affect the legitimate interests of the authors is also prohibited and holders of the rights to the works of genius and ornamental models accessible there. By way of example, but not exhaustively, beyond what is specified in the previous point, the content of the website must however be understood as texts, photographs, films and presentations, databases, graphs and tables, slogans, audio reproductions and video, any graphical and/or text representation in general. All trademarks, domain names, company names, companies and signs on the website are exclusively owned by TACCHINI and therefore protected by the current legislation on distinctive signs. It is therefore absolutely forbidden to reproduce in any form or manner without the express and prior written consent of TACCHINI as well as the registration of the trademark “TACCHINI” in any top level domain. The pages of the website may contain trademarks, domain names, company names, companies and signs of ownership of third parties, with which TACCHINI has collaborative relationships of various kinds, who benefit the same protection accorded to the distinctive marks of TACCHINI as those in force the applicable rules on copyright and intellectual and industrial property. Finally, TACCHINI states that the use of all signs in ownership of TACCHINI is strictly prohibited, just like metatags and every command in html language, that, even if they don’t involve the display or formatting of a certain command, anyway they provide instructions to electronic agents or search engines for increase the availability of a site other than those attributable to TACCHINI.

Content of the website

The website is an online information portal that let you be informed about TACCHINI and the products and services offered by our Company, providing an overview of the main activities of TACCHINI. All contents of the website (by way of example, but not exhaustive, news, pictures, video photographs, sounds, trademarks, logos, domain names, application software, graphic layouts, technical documentation and manuals, presentations, etc.) and related rights are reserved, they may therefore be consulted only for the purpose of personal information; it’s forbidden any other use without the prior written consent of TACCHINI. TACCHINI, its Managers, Directors, Partners and/or Employees do not provide any guarantee about the functionality of the website, the accuracy and completeness of the contents published on the website and TACCHINI reserves the right to amend and update this information at any time without notice and at its sole discretion. In no case TACCHINI, its Managers, Directors, Partners and/or Employees, may be held liable for any reason, for the functionality of the website or for any damage resulting from the use or the impossibility of using the website and its contents, as well as omissions, inaccuracies or mistakes in the contents of the website. Software programs connected to the website and the website itself may present malfunctions and may contain viruses or other dangerous elements. The user of the website and its contents therefore assumes the total and unconditional responsibility for any loss, damage and costs of any kind and entities that may derive from the use of the website.

How to use the website

The content of the website can’t be, in whole or in part, copied, reproduced, republished, loaded, transcribed, transmitted or distributed, in any manner, without obtaining the prior written consent of TACCHINI. In addition, the content of the website may not be disseminated, in whole or in part, through communication channels, such as the internet, television systems, radio or any other kind in the absence of prior written consent of TACCHINI. The information and materials contained in the website may not be used for commercial purposes in order to establish databases of any kind, and they can’t be stored (in whole or in part) in existing databases, either accessible only by the breeder and made available to third parties.

Linking and Framing

Without the prior written permission of TACCHINI, it’s strictly forbidden to create links to the home page of the website, currently available at, and to any other page within the website. Specific links that allow to refer the user to an internal page without passing through the home page of the website, currently reachable at (“deep linking”), as well as automatic insertion links (“inline linking”) that allow the user to view automatically in a specific space images from the website are expressly prohibited. The link-boxes (“framing”) that allow you to display a page of the website on a specific page of another website ensuring at the same time that the content of that page instead of appearing in an autonomous browser window appears within a framework for such a structured purpose are also prohibited. It’s noted that the violation of the provisions of this Article constitutes a behavior that is also punishable from the point of view of unfair competition, governed by the relevant rules in force.


These website terms of use may be modified by TACCHINI at any time without prior notice to the users; the users must periodically look at the website terms of use before accessing the contents of the website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These terms of use are subject to Italian law and shall be interpreted according to the same law. Within the limits of the above, the court competent to face any dispute that may arise regarding the use of this website, with specific reference to these Terms of Use, will be, exclusively, the Foro of Monza. Considering the applicability of the Italian law, in case of an eventual contrast of interpretation between the Italian and English language versions of these terms of use of the website, the Italian version will prevail.