Partnerships: Tacchini and Studiopepe, the tendency to take imagination further
Author: Gaia De Santis
Photographs: Andrea Ferrari
Tagged as: Stories
A special partnership. A shared vision in the world of design, one that goes beyond the concept, constantly seeking out new perspectives on objects. With Studiopepe, Tacchini works on unique events, winning over an international audience and opening up new scenarios to be discovered. Where trendsetting truly is a question of imagination.

Reversível armchairs by Martin Eisler and Soap low table by Gordon Guillaumier

Arianna Lelli Mami and Chiara Di Pinto, the duo of Milanese designers known as Studiopepe
In this fine example of all-female synergy, Arianna Lelli Mami and Chiara Di Pinto, the duo of Milanese designers known as Studiopepe, work with Giusi Tacchini in an easy and natural rapport, producing remarkable and original events never seen before on the design scene in Italy or beyond. The most recent, intriguingly titled Les Arcanistes, was created for Milan Design Week 2019, inside the large industrial-archaeological space of a former gold factory from the last century. It took visitors on a unique experiential journey, using innovative design pieces, historic reissues and works of art to immerse the public in a different world, with staging inspired by the unexpected connections between matter and symbol that form archetypes. Archetypes are the primordial images of Jungian theory, contained within the collective unconscious, but also Plato’s eidos, the fundamental essence contained within tangible things. Exploring our senses, using the visible as the means to imagine through and beyond it. A provocation that requires aesthetics to have meaning, to become a value, and that design projects should create trends, above and beyond markets or production, stimulating visions, ideas and questions.
The creation of imaginary worlds and the revelation of new viewpoints, born of attentive perception, in-depth research and profound sensitivity, are the characteristics that unite Tacchini and Studiopepe in this special partnership. A solid coalition, built on a strong sense of attunement. The beauty of designing lies in an untiring love for imagination and a curiosity to explore and discover the “unseen”, to cite the title of another original Studiopepe staging, “Club Unseen”. This focused on the interweaving of memory and contemporaneity, of sartorial craftsmanship and augmented reality, featuring remarkable installations created in partnership with Tacchini for the Fuori Salone in Milan in 2018. Magical chemistries. Tacchini Savoir-Faire. For a design that goes beyond design.
“Me? I am pursuing an image, nothing more.” Gérard de Nerval


Internationally recognized for its eclectic and multi-faceted approach, Studiopepe adopts an imaginative and multidisciplinary approach towards the world of design. The studio’s distinctive signature is eloquently expressed in all the heterogeneous projects in which it has been engaged: large-scale projects in the hôtellerie field, the creation of displays for showrooms, boutiques and fair booths, or the interior design of private homes. Founded in 2006, the agency has maintained a highly recognizable identity based upon experimenting, citations and unexpected thought associations which are aimed at fostering unique projects that respect the individuality of the Client. Studiopepe’s projects are characterized by a strong emotional and aesthetic impact, based upon the finding the ideal balance between formal rigour and poetic vision, the ceaseless search to blend contemporary languages and codes. In the Studio’s works, the unexpected becomes a constant: the bold interplay between materials, fields of colour that become the expression of space, and details that are no longer mere decoration, but delicately woven storytelling.
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