Natural tones intertwine with different motifs, leaving room for small colored details that catch the eye with distant Bauhaus references. Contrasts of patterns, textures and colors take shape from the overlapping of the rugs, enhancing the manual skills and craftsmanship of the manifacturers who intertwined them. The large, short-haired mats are available in striped or checked motif, light or dark colors. The small rug, with longer pile, takes up the colored detail of the mat on which it is superimposed. Both sizes are made of natural wool, hand knotted in Nepal, with yellow or blue colored details.
Cod. OANN3X4
W 300 D 400 cm
Cod. OANN3X4
W 300 D 400 cm
Cod. OANN17X24
W 170 D 240 cm
Studiopepe以其兼收并蓄和多方面的方法而闻名于世,在设计领域,Studiopepe采取了一种富有想象力和糅合多领域的方法。该工作室的独特魅力都在其参与的各种不同的项目中得到了有力的体现: 在大型酒店业项目中,它为陈列室、精品店和展览摊位,或私人住宅打造室内设计。Studiopepe成立于2006年,通过实验、借鉴以及出人预料的想象力保持了其独特的风格,旨在发展尊重客户个性的独特项目。Studiopepe的作品以强烈的情感表达和审美冲击为特征,基于在形式的严密性和诗意的视觉效果之间找到平衡,不断寻求融合当代风格的秘诀。在工作室的所有作品中,出人意料的设计成为了一种常态:材料之间大胆的相互作用,用来表达空间的色彩,细节不再仅仅是装饰,而是精心编织的故事。