2021 German Design Awards—获奖者:Reversível

Tacchini is honored to inform you that Reversível, the iconic armchair designed by Martin Eisler and presented by Tacchini during Milan Design Week 2019, is the winner of the 2021 German Design Award.

The German Design Awards are the international premier prize of the German Design Council. Their goal is to discover, showcase and recognise unique design trends. As such, high-calibre submissions from the fields of product and communication design – all of which play a pioneering role within the international design landscape in their own way – are honoured every year. The German Design Awards, which were initiated in 2012, are amongst the world’s most renowned design awards and enjoy a prestigious reputation that extends well beyond specialist circles.

The Winner distinction of the German Design Awards pays tribute to outstanding and commendably realised design work in the context of a specific category. In each category, an appropriate number of design submissions is awarded the distinction of Winner. These are selected by a separate expert jury in each category of the German Design Awards.

建筑师兼设计师Martin Eisler的天才力作Reversível系列来源于历史悠久的 carioca设计,Tacchini 深爱其难以置信的创新风格。线条和动态的简洁使得这款扶手椅以休闲优雅的方式进行随意变换形状。Reversível系列动态,灵活的再版发行给使用者提供两种座椅的变换和加倍的舒适感,你可以直靠在椅背上,或者放松在半倾斜位置,平行于靠背。简单、自然的变换方式满足你的各种需求,但它实际上代表了一种开创性的直觉。此原始优雅的系列座位,其独特的线条是由金属结构和织物覆盖制成。 Reversível见证了巴西1950年代设计的柔软、感性、传统与创意的结合、民间工艺和富有远见的创新。

Martin Eisler,创造力是一种存在和观察事物的方式 阅读文章 – Tacchini 处世之道

Martin Eisler

Martin Eisler1913年出生于维也纳,父亲是著名的艺术史学家Max Eisler,也是奥地利Werkbund的创始人之一。他曾跟随著名建筑师Oskar Strnad和Clemens Holzmeister在维也纳学习。1938年,他搬到了布宜诺斯艾利斯。在那里,他立即着手在Mueller Gallery举办自己的第一次设计和家具展。1945年,他与Arnold Hackel共同创办了Interieur公司,销售两人设计的家具和物品,开启了他的设计师生涯。1955年,他与Moveis Artesanais公司的Carlo Hauner合作,成为圣保罗Forma公司的艺术总监。艾斯勒在巴西的经历引起了他对充满异国情调的木材、玻璃和青铜的上光和上漆技术的兴趣。随后,Eisler两家公司开始协同合作,生产了在阿根廷和巴西都非常成功的家具,并在50年代末60年代初与诺尔国际签订了一份合同。这加速了他的成长和发展,当时合同家具市场正处于扩张的高峰,新首都巴西利亚的建立和Oscar Niemeyer项目他都参与了其中,并为这些项目的成功做出了巨大的贡献。作为一名建筑师,Eisler也非常欣赏自己的作品,定制从建筑到家具的每一个细节,其特点是全方位的创造力,同时他还担任布景设计师和歌剧导演。他最著名的设计作品包括复古椅和科斯特拉椅。著名的佳士得拍卖行在1999年登记了第一笔交易。Martin Eisler的家具在全世界一直享有很高的声誉。

梦想的力量和优雅的简约 阅读文章 – Tacchini 处世之道
